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Photo du rédacteurChloé Montembault

The 13th December

What does this date represent in Finland?

It is a date dedicated to the Saint Lucia, called Procession of Saint Lucia. In Helsinki, this celebration is famous. We saw it by pure chance, and it was beautiful, but I did not understand before did my research about this celebration. During this celebration the population choose the Lucia between ten women. After that the Lucie is crowned in the main Cathedral of Helsinki, she goes down the stairs on the red carpet surrounded by other women dress in white. The Lucia wears a white dress, red fabric belt and a crown with high with candles. After coronation the new Lucia parades in the city under the acclaim of the population. The Lucia may sing the traditional songs and to spread magic and light around her.

And we are so lucky to saw it because it is an old tradition, Lucia has the same name as a Saint in the religion Catholic or Orthodox.

A little point of history: Who was Lucia??

Basically, the Procession of Saint Lucia is a Swedish celebration. Lucia represents a saint who lived in the fourth century in Syracuse in Italy, and she came from a rich family. She was considered like Christian martyr, because when she was young her mother was sick. She went the grave of Saint Agathe for pray for her mother healing. The saint came and told to Lucia that can become the guardian of Syracuse like Agathe is the guardian of Catane (Italian city). The next day her mother was cured, and Lucia choose to give everyday some food to the poor people. She wanted to virginity vow for few years. And before her mother knew that she had promised her daughter's hand to a man who coveted her richness. In this period there is a Christian repression, and unfortunately Lucia and her mother were Christian. The emperor decided to torture her, but the holy spirit protected her. The emperor who was angry, decided to torture her in different way: boiling oil, woodshed and then he decided to shove a sword down his throat because she sang. After that she died.

The Saint Lucia is often represented with eyes in a plate or in a bowl, because the history told she ripped his eyes out after the denunciation of her future husband. And when she did that the Saint gave her another eyes. Lucia is saint for the eyes throat disease.

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