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Photo du rédacteurChloé Montembault

Finnish Architecture

Turku is beautiful city and if you do not know yet, I love architecture!!!

I will present you four building that I like 😉

1. Turku Market Hall

This place is in centre of Turku in front of the Hansakortelli (Hall), I discovered it during a walking with a friend. I go in and inside there are lot of little food shop. When you go inside, you want to buy everything.

This building was built in the end of 19th century and almost all the town have this kind of market. I saw one in Helsinki near to the port. This building contrast with the new Hansa because this building is made with red brick (my favourite).

2. Turku city Office

It is localized near to the Aura and it is near to the next building that I will present you. We can see this building because it is impressive, and its architecture is different of the other building. It was built during the last century in the Art Nouveau style who is an international style popular in 20th century.

3. Turku city

This one is localized near to the previously building and near to the river. I like it because its colours and its red bricks. Its style is more in the Neo-Renaissance and it was designed by Charles Bassi in 1810 and it survived to the big fire few years after.

Before this building was for the register but it moves on the other side of the river.

4. Brinkkala Mansion

This building is near to the cathedral in the centre in Turku and I saw it thinks to its Christmas decorations, there are decoration in each window. And I saw it because its colours catch the eye, for me yellow is not a common colour.

It also famous for the Christmas peace declaration who started in 1886 in the balcony. The Christmas peace declarations is mayor's speech.

Before that this building was a house and after a hotel and now it welcomes the medieval market. This yellow house date of the 16th century

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