You cannot talk about Finland without sauna. The sauna in Finland is a “religion”, everyone use sauna. I never been into sauna in Finland but maybe I will try it in Lapland. In my residency there is sauna, unfortunately I did not go there, I did take time for that. In Finland after the sauna they go in cold or ice lake, for me it is so crazy how you can pass from the hot place to a cold one, I am impressive about the courage of the people, but for them it is not the courage it is normal and daily action. Knowing me, I know I cannot do this because I am so sensitive about the cold and I hate it, I do not bath easily in the lake, sea or ocean, even in summer some time it is to cold for me.
I am fragile ….
But when I was in Lapland, we tried the sauna and after you may go swimming in Artic ocean. In the begging, I did not go swimming but after a discussion with some other people, I let me convincing and I tried to go swimming, but I could just soak my feet because I was afraid to getting cold. But it was a funny experience. There are two type of sauna, one with music and lights like “night club” and the other without. I went in the both and I had a little preference for the one who had the music.
For the little story, in Finland there are over 5,5 million resident and 2,5million sauna if my calculation is correct there are one sauna for two persons in Finland, it is totally crazy!!!
A little health point:
The sauna has different benefit in the body:
- Stimulation of the blood circulation
- Relax and relief the muscle after sport
- Decrease the joint stiffness
- Boost our immune system
- And sweating eliminates the toxin in our body
After this benefit list why don't you go ahead???